Member Pages | ||||
A - E | F - J | K - O | P - T | U - Z |
COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: AAPOS is the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. The organization's goals are to advance the quality of children's eye care, support the training of pediatric ophthalmologists, support research activities in pediatric ophthalmology, and advance the care of adults with strabismus. |
Email: Twitter: @aapos4kids Facebook: Website: |
American Association of Certified Orthoptists COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: The American Association of Certified Orthoptists, Inc., serves its membership by providing continuing education and promoting orthoptics as an allied health profession in ophthalmology. Categories of membership include active, associate, life members, orthoptic students, and honorary members. Active members must have a current American Orthoptic Council Certificate. The American Association of Certified Orthoptists is a volunteer organization with an elected Executive Committee and Board of Directors, as well as many appointed positions and Committee Chairmanships. |
10 W. Phillip Rd Email: Phone: 410-961-6511 Twitter: @AmerOrthoptics Facebook: Website: |
APOR - Associacao Portugesa de Ortoptistas COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: APOR (Association of Portugese Orthoptists) was founded in 1982 (March 3, 1982). APOR is a non-profit organization representing all the orthoptists with a four-year course, a degree in orthoptics and holders of a state-issued professional card with a registry in the Ministry of Health. Its main goal is the professional and scientific promotion of its members striving for their permanent update and improvement. APOR integrates the International Orthoptic Association (IOA) and the Liaison Committee of the Orthoptistes de la Communaute Europeenne (OCE). |
Rua Rodrigues Email: Phone: 351-213523224 Facebook: Website: |
Asia Pacific Orthoptic Association COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: Asia Pacific Orthoptic Association is a multi-national membership organization representing members from Singapore and Malaysia. APOA strives to: 1.Promote the orthoptic profession, generating rational and regional public awareness and interest |
304 Orchard Road Email: Phone: +65 67355007 |
Asia-Pacific Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Society COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: Asia-Pacific Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Society (APSPOS) was established in 2008 by Professor Frank Martin. APSPOS is an organization aimed to assist the paediatric ophthalmological and strabismus development in the Asia-Pacific region and provide a platform for good integration of skills and knowledge of clinicians in this sub-specialty. APSPOS works closely with the ophthalmic organizations and institutions in the region and plays an important role in various ophthalmic congresses. |
Rm. 427, 4/F, Hong Kong Eye Hospital Email: Phone: 85239435830 Website: |
Asian Society of Eye Genetics COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: The APSE:G is focused on eye genetics in the Asia-Pacific region. |
/F Hong Kong Eye Hospital Email: |
Asociacion Colombiana de Oftalmologia COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: Colombian Ophthalmologist working in pediatric ophthalmology and general ophthalmologist interested in this topic. ACOPE also has a resident session and give support for them to attend pediatric ophthalmology events in the major meetings such as subspecialty day at AAO. ACOPE also supports Colombian ACOPE members to attend the AAPPOS meeting. |
Avenida 9 #116-20 Email: Phone: 5712150817 Website: |
Asociacion Guatemalteca de Oftalmologia COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: Sociedad sin fines de lucro, su objetivo principal es congregar al los Medicos Oftalmologos de Guatemala para el bienstar comun, como de la salud visual del pais. |
9a. calle 3-69 zona 14 Email: Phone: (502) 42991613 |
Asociacion Mexicana de Oftalmologia Pediatrica COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: The Mexican Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology aims to educate and update the knowledge of its members and ophthalmology residents, spread the most important eye pathologies among first-contact doctors, maintain prevention and screening programs for eye diseases from premature to school children. |
Boston 99, Col. Email: Website: |
Assistance for Development of Modern Ophthalmology - Azerbaijan COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: Assistance for Development of Modern Ophthalmology (ADMO) was founded by professional and progressive young ophthalmologists in Azerbaijan, in 2006. The main goal of the organization is preservation of vision and prevention of blindness. In order to obtain this aim, its important for ADMO to enhance ophthalmic education and collaboration with international organizations. |
M. Asadov str., 18mkr, Email: Phone: 994707747557 Facebook: Website: |
Association Francophone d'Ophthalmo-Pediatrie & Strabismes COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: AFSOP is the official french PO&S association. It was founded in 1984 as AFS (Associatin Francaise de Strabologie). Pediatric ophthalmology was included in the society in 2004. Two congresses are held each year, one during French Ophthalmologic Society in May, Paris, and one in another city during fall. Activity is almost exclusively scientific, with free papers, roundtables and conferences selected by a scientific committee. Public education via the society website has begun. Past presidents were PV Berard, A Roth, A Spielmann, A Pechereau, C Speeg, and D Denis. |
Centre d'Ophthalmologie Email: Phone: 0674901899 Website: |
Association of Pediatric Ophthalmologists of the Republic of Armenia COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE:
Abovyan 60/1 Email: Phone: +374 10 301000 |
Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinics - "Yasniy Vzor" COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: Yasniy Vzor - the oldest institution of its kind in Russian Federation - is an association of pediatric ophthalmology clinics that specialize in treatment of the ocular alignment and sensory disorders, as well as management of the defects of the optical system of the eyes. The association is headed by Dr. Igor Aznauryan - one of the most prominent and experienced pediatric ophthalmologists in the country and in all post-Soviet area. |
Bakuninskaya Ulitsa, 94 Email: Phone: +7 (499) 653 8291 Facebook: Website: |
Associazione Italiana Strabismo COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: The aim of our association is to promote and support research about pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention and therapy of strabismus and amblyopia. Conferences, meetings, courses and congresses are organized both to encourage contacts among experts (ophthalmologist and orthoptists) and to provide information and improve the knowledges of ophthalmologists less experienced about strabismus and amblyopia. The association also works to raise awareness about social and quality life impact of strabismus and amblyopia. |
via G. Massarenti 8 Email: Website: |
Australia and New Zealand Strabismus Society COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
94-98 Chalmers St |
Bangladesh Association of Paediatric Ophthalmologist and Strabismologist COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
103 Monipuri para Email: Phone: 01755615471 |
Belgian Strabismological Association (BSA) COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
Nijverheidsstraat 24 Email: |
Berufsverband Orthoptik Deutschland (BOD) COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
Gminder Strasse 22 Email: Website: |
Bielschowsky Society COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: Bielschowsky Society for Strabismus and Neuroophthalmology was founded 1985 in Wiesbaden Germany. Members of the society share the interest in Strabismus, Pediatric ophthalmology and neuroophthalmology. The society was named after Alfred Bielschowsky (1871-1940). His scientific work contributed essential to this field. Bielschowsky worked and teached from 1912-1923 at the University Eye Clinic in Marburg and from 1923-1935 in Breslau. He was forced to emigrate and preceded his scientific career at the Dartmouth-Medical-School in Hanover, New Hampshire (USA). |
University Eye Hospital Email: Phone: 0049-201-7232375 Website: |
British and Irish Orthoptic Society COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
Salisbury House Email: Phone: +44(0)1353665541 Twitter: @FollowBIOS Website: |
British Isles Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Association COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
Royal Victoria Infirmary Email: Twitter: @biposa Website: |
Canadian Association of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
2500 University Dr. NW Email: Phone: 514 9138736 |
Canadian Orthoptic Society COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
5850/5980 University Ave. Email: Website: |
Centro Argentino de Estrabismo COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
2944 P 22B Torre Ducale Email: Phone: 541148019154 |
Central Brasileiro de Estrabismo COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE:
The "Centro Brasileiro de Estrabismo", the official Brazilian Strabismus Society, was founded in 1967. Since then, it's mission is to promote the education of ocular motility disorders. For that matter, it promotes meetings, fosters scientific research and encourages its members to integrate with members of other similar societies worldwide. This endevour is carried out together with the Brazilian Ophthalmology Council ( "Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia"), which is the major Brazilian Ophthalmology society. |
Rua Doutor Bacelar Email: Website: |
Centro Chileno de Oftalmologia Peiatrica y Estrabismo COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE:
This society was founded in May 1963 by Profesor Oscar Ham. Initially it was only dedicated to Strabismus. In the late 80's it was modified to incorporate Pediatric Ophthalmology as well. It is anchored in Sociedad Oftalmológica de Chile, a national body. Until a few years ago it had monthly sessions. Nowadays its active members get together four times a year for acadmic presentations and discussion of clinical cases. |
Avenida Luis Pasteur Email: Phone: (56-2) 22185950 Website: |
Centro Mexicano de Estrabismo COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
Boston 99, Col. Email: Phone: 52+55+55639393 Facebook: |
College of Ophthalmologists, Sri Lanka COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
National Eye Hospital Email: Phone: 94 11 293924 Website: |
Consejo Latinoamericano de Estrabismo COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE:
CLADE is a scientific organization devoted to promote and stimulate the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of ocular motility disorders. |
Centro Medico Email: Phone: +5932 2 268173 Website: |
Conselho Brasileiro de Ortoptica (CBOrt) COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE:
The CBOrt , organ successor of ABO ( Brazilian Association of Orthoptics ) operates in Brazil as the sole representative body of the class of orthoptists since 1952 . Its purpose: ( a) promote the union of the representative category; ( b ) encourage and assist the professional, scientific and cultural development of its members; (c) act in the dissemination and protection of class rights. The CBOrt has participated actively in scientific and social events of national and international importance. |
Rua dos Cascudos, 32 Email: Phone: 55 (19) 33718322 Facebook: Website: |
Danish Pediatric Ophthalmology Group COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE:
c/o DOS: Institut for Neurovidenskab og Farmakologi Email: Phone: 004538634378 |
Egyptian Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (EAPOS) COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
Dar Elhekma Email: Phone: 00201222142416 Website: |
European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
1st Dept. of Ophthalmology Email: Phone: 302310280260 Website: |
European Strabismological Association COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE: |
Moorfields Eye Hospital Email: Phone: +44 1707 875846 |
Eye Society, Myanmar Medical Association COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE:
Eye ENT association was established in 1957. First Eye ENT conference was held in 1974. Myanmar Ophthalmology conference has been separately held annually since 2000. At present 2 ophthalmologists are checking pediatric cases with eye problem in the big city. Aim: Quality organization towards the Quality profession. Activities: Continuing medical education with annual conference and clinical symposium, Residency training, Outreach program, Social and sports activities, Publications, International relations. |
Aungmyay Tharzan Township Email: Phone: 009595104578 |